A machine-learning approach to generate complex geometries based on the targeted acoustic experience
In this in-progress project, we adopt machine- learning as a method for generating the space design based on the required acoustic characteristics. This design approach will revolutionize the architectural design process, particularly in spaces where the acoustic experience is critical.
Project Team: Alaa Algargoosh, Nikhil Singh

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Sounds in the City
The process of recording the 360 visuals and 3D sound
As part of the project titled "Mapping the Egalitarian Metropolis: Spaces of Hope," we utilized virtual reality (VR) and body-sensing technology to study how the acoustic
experience of the built environment impacts human health and well-being in at-risk communities in Detroit. We created virtual experiences of these buildings with 360-degree video recordings and 3D sound recordings, including binaural and ambisonic VR sound.
The participants reported a positive emotional impact after experiencing the virtual acoustic environments, and the physiological signals showed a link with the described positive emotions.
More information about the project can be found in this video and this article titled “Virtual Buildings, Real Emotions” by James Dau.
Project Team: Alaa Algargoosh, Babak Soleimani, Mojtaba Navvab (advisor), Sile O’Modhrain (advisor), Claire Zimmerman (advisor).
Photo credit: Top picture- Babak Soleimani, Bottom picture- Alaa Algargoosh.
Immersive acoustic experience for meditation practice
I designed a participatory live experience as part of the MIT Museum event “Meditation, Art, and Neuroscience in conversation” through which I transformed the acoustics of The Exchange space of the museum to the resonant Hagia Sophia using aurlization—a technique that merges the captured sound signature of a selected space with the a recorded sound.
During the event, I invited the audience to experiment with the live acoustic effects of Hagia Sophia as a way to connect with a space and with each other through resonance. Then I invited them to share their experience.
I believe that such an event that engages the community can create a feedback loop through which art and science can inform each other and enhance human well-being.
Photo credit: Michael J. Clarke. Courtesy of MIT Museum.

Cymatic Sound Diffusers
I designed the Cymatic diffusers, which are sound panels with outstanding performance in treating echo and creative design that will transform the traditional way of designing spaces. They open endless possibilities for architects to integrate sound diffusers in their designs, allowing to create custom designs from mass-produced panels.
More details can be found in the patent publication.
Project Team: Alaa Algargoosh, Hany Hossam Eldien (advisor), Hala El-Wakeel (advisor). Photo credit for the bottom picture: Hany Hossam Eldien

Sound absorber based on a biomaterial
We developed fungus-based material as a sound absorber, which is a healthier alternative for the commonly used toxic sound absorbers. This promising product can be utilized as a sound insulator in buildings.
Project Team: Alaa Algargoosh, Amal Abdo, Maria Bertolini, Bilal Shamma, Eiman Alhamad, Raneem Al-Blaihed, Sultan Al-Sadaka, Nicolas Fallourd. Photo credit: Amal Abdo
Utilizing resonance to analyze and design spaces with complex geometries
The multiple auralization process allows to the identification of the space resonance frequencies.
Inspired by Alvin Lucier’s famous piece, I am sitting in a room, I designed a system that detects resonant frequencies amplified in a space. By capturing the sound signature of the room and applying auralization multiple times, this system works as a magnifying glass that highlights the resonance frequencies. The press page of the acoustical society of America includes a sound file demonstrating the process.
Project Team: Alaa Algargoosh, Mojtaba Navvab
(advisor), John Granzow (advisor).